I don’t know if we realize how far Linux has come,
I remember in the past that Linux was quite a scary word.
Partitioning, GRUB, dependencies, repositories… All these words used to be frightening and mind-boggling for the beginner.
Nowadays I find Linux, and especially Ubuntu, to be a really simple and straightforward experience… Installation is done in less than 15 minutes, hardware is very well supported, WiFi cards, I remember, used to be a task in itself to get working… Now it is recognized during install from live USB.
Back in the days you had to burn a CD and the live environment was slow to load…
And I’m not even talking about user experience
Despite huge controversy, I find the Snap store to be a wonderful improvement in daily usage, but this will be the subject of another post.
Until next time, let’s enjoy the progress free software has made.